Archive for Anxiety Relief

Alien Encounters Revealed with Hypnotherapy

Alien Encounters Revealed with Hypnotherapy:


Have you seen a UFO or have had an encounter. Not sure, hypnosis can help give you answers, is this real or is this my imagination.

Many People have reported missing time, awaking in their bath tub fully clothed. Some find odd puncture wounds on their body only to have them quickly disappear. I have helped many clients to understand this phenomenon with the use of Hypnotherapy all can be revealed.

Alien encounters and abductions are claims that non-human life forms ”kidnap” people and supposedly then are used for medical examination or experiments. The stories range from terrifying to pleasant experiences. Unlike popular belief not all encounters have been Alien abductions.

I am skilled at getting to the truth. Having worked with hundreds of clients that have had alien Encounters, I have developed a honed skill.

“Why is it I can’t remember what happened?”   ”  I have nightmares with unexplained memories”

It has been said by some that all your memories of the abduction are blocked with their hypnosis “Once they have but their hypnotic lock on your mind no one can find the truth.” This is far from the truth. With proper hypnotherapy all can be revealed..

When the knowledge is revealed a person can neutralize their effect, and move forward with their life. In many cases the nightmares stop, migraines are minimized, allergies disappear. Feelings of being paranoid, like being watched, disappear.

Please feel free to contact me for a free console to help you with, Alien Encounters Revealed with Hypnotherapy:

Why people with Cancer and other Illness’s use Hypnosis

Why people with cancer and other Illness’s use hypnosis.

Avalon Hypnosis Center

Avalon Hypnosis Center

With many types of complementary therapy, one of the main reasons people with cancer  and other Illness’s use hypnotherapy is to help them relax and cope better with symptoms and treatment. Hypnotherapy can help people to feel more comfortable and in control of their situation.

People with cancer most often use hypnotherapy for the side effects of Chemo, Radiation along with the treatment for sickness and pain. I have found through years of work with hundreds of Illness’s that the evidence is that hypnotherapy helps with these symptoms. It can also help with Depression and Anxiety and Stress that comes with Illness.

Many Doctors recognize hypnosis along with conventional treatment works very well. Which is wonderful as we need a medical referral to work with these patients.

Avalon Hypnosis is dedicated to helping Cancer patients and others with debilitating Illness’s. Not only is their success with the side effects from these illnesses, there is healing, total and complete remission in many cases.

We are the product of our environment and our lives. Heal the mind and the body will follow. Having said this I work a great deal with client that are indigent and need financial assistant with their health issues. I can and do in many cases do Pro Bono work. My time and business is also in need of help. If you can donate to this cause I will keep you informed on the progress of this cause if you desire. Any and all assistance will be greatly appreciated. This is why people with cancer and other Illness’s use Hypnosis.


Test Anxiety

Test AnxietyHypnosis for test anxiety, lets make it go away.

Generally, we all experience some level of Test Anxiety nervousness or tension before tests or other important events in our lives.

A little nervousness can actually help motivate us; however, too much Test Anxiety can become a problem – especially if it interferes with our ability to prepare for and perform on tests.

Dealing, with Test Anxiety

The first step is to distinguish between two types of anxiety. If your anxiety is a direct result of lack of preparation, consider it a normal, rational reaction. However, if you are adequately prepared but still panic, “blank out”, and/or overreact, your reaction is not rational. While both of these anxieties may be considered normal (anyone can have them) it is certainly helpful to know how to overcome their effects.

Preparation Can Help

Preparation is the best way to minimize rationale anxiety. Consider the following:

  • Avoid “cramming” for a test. Trying to master a semester’s worth of material the day before the test is a poor way to learn and can easily produce anxiety. This is not the time to try to learn a great deal of material.
  • Combine all the information you have been presented throughout the semester and work on mastering the main concepts of the course.
  • When studying for the test, ask yourself what questions may be asked and try to answer them by integrating ideas from lectures, notes, texts, and supplementary readings.
  • If you are unable to cover all the material given throughout the semester, select important portions that you can cover well. Set a goal of presenting your knowledge of this information on the test.

Changing Your Attitude

Improving your perspective of the test-taking experience can actually help you enjoy studying and may improve your performance. Don’t overplay the importance of the grade – it is not a reflection of your self-worth nor does it predict your future success. Try the following:

  • Remember that the most reasonable expectation is to try to show as much of what you know as you can.
  • Remind yourself that a test is only a test – there will be others.
  • Avoid thinking of yourself in irrational, all-or-nothing terms.
  • Reward yourself after the test – take in a movie, go out to eat, or visit with friends.

Don’t Forget the Basics

Students preparing for tests often neglect basic biological, emotional, and social needs. To do your best, you must attend to these needs. Think of yourself as a total person – not just a test taker. Remember to:

  • Continue the habits of good nutrition and exercise. Continue your recreational pursuits and social activities – all contribute to your emotional and physical well-being.
  • Follow a moderate pace when studying; vary your work when possible and take breaks when needed.
  • Get plenty of sleep the night before the test – when you are overly tired you will not function at your absolute best.
  • Once you feel you are adequately prepared for the test, do something relaxing.

The Day of the Test

To be able to do your best on the day of the test we suggest the following:

  • Begin your day with a moderate breakfast and avoid coffee if you are prone to “caffeine jitters.” Even people who usually manage caffeine well may feel light-headed and jittery when indulging on the day of a test.
  • Try to do something relaxing the hour before the test – last minute cramming will cloud your mastering of the overall concepts of the course.
  • Plan to arrive at the test location early – this will allow you to relax and to select a seat located away from doors, windows, and other distractions.
  • Avoid classmates who generate anxiety and tend to upset your stability.
  • If waiting for the test to begin causes anxiety, distract yourself by reading a magazine or newspaper.

During the Test: Basic Strategies

Before you begin answering the questions on the test, take a few minutes and do the following:

  • First review the entire test; then read the directions twice. Try to think of the test as an opportunity to show the professor what you know; then begin to organize your time efficiently. Work on the easiest portions of the test first.
  • For essay questions, construct a short outline for yourself – then begin your answer with a summary sentence. This will help you avoid the rambling and repetition which can irrate the person grading the test. For short-answer questions, answer only what is asked – short and to the point. If you have difficulty with an item involving a written response, show what knowledge you can. If proper terminology evades you, show what you know with your own words.
  • For multiple choice questions, read all the options first, then eliminate the most obvious. Unsure of the correct response? Rely on your first impression, then move on quickly. Beware of tricky qualifying words such as “only,” “always,” or “most.”
  • Do not rush through the test. Wear a watch and check it frequently as you pace yourself. If it appears you will be unable to finish the entire test, concentrate on those portions which you can answer well. Recheck your answers only if you have extra time – and only if you are not anxious.

During the Test: Anxiety Control

Curb excess anxiety in any of the following ways:

  • Tell yourself “I can be anxious later, now is the time to take the exam.”
  • Focus on answering the question, not on your grade or others’ performances.
  • Counter negative thoughts with other, more valid thoughts like, “I don’t have to be perfect.”
  • Tense and relax muscles throughout your body; take a couple of slow deep breaths and try to maintain a positive attitude.
  • If allowed, get a drink or go to the bathroom.
  • Ask the instructor a question.
  • Eat something.
  • Break your pencil lead – then go sharpen it.
  • Think for a moment about the post-exam reward you promised yourself.

After the Test

Whether you did well or not, be sure to follow through on the reward you promised yourself – and enjoy it! Try not to dwell on all the mistakes you might have made. Do not immediately begin studying for the next test. . . indulge in something relaxing for a little while.

Need Additional Help? Couple this with Hypnosis and you have a winner.

Hypnosis is one of the best most successful ways of eliminating Test Anxiety, call today for a free consultation.

Self Empowerment: The Power of Words

Self Empowerment, the power of words can set you  | Avalon Hypnosis Center 220 S Woodland Blvd #F, Deland FL 32720 (386) 490-4180free.

Another important key in becoming self power is realizing how words affect the subconscious mind, especially when one of the subconscious gateways are open, as it is in Hypnosis.

Numerous religious books have been written throughout this century that recommend the use of affirmations. Just check the bookstore of your churches and you easily find books on affirmations.

For example:

Affirmations became more popular in the 70s and 80s, but all too few seem to know how to properly structure and use them. Used wisely, words become powerful tools to help us create motivation and success attitudes in the subconscious mind. If  misconstruction or misused, auto suggestions and affirmations can actually move or goals further from reach. So we must use caution when using affirmations.

Remember the old saying? Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me. It is my professional opinion that inappropriate words can and do hurt us when a subconscious Gateway is open.

Allow me to illustrate my own personal experience, of how the power of words can produce Self Empowerment.

When my marriage broke up, my sales hit rock bottom even though I had always had success. a successful executive told me personally, ” Nobody does well in sales for two years after a divorce!” this negative idea entered my mind like a powerful hip on the suggestion. We call this eyes open hypnosis, NLP, neurolinguistic programming. Afterwards, I found myself still doing the same actions as in previous years, but without results. My sales plummeted, and the following year it dropped to a fraction of the previous level. All the self-help books of the world did not help. I went to my friend who was a hypnotist and he helped me through this. Perhaps another reason for me becoming a hypnotist.

Today I know what happened. During the crisis of the divorce, my subconscious mind believed what this friend of mine in authority had told me during a time of high emotional anxiety on my part. My mind replayed that suggestion like a broken record, and it became a negative affirmation. The Gateway of my subconscious mind was open because this was a person of authority, emotions were running high.Now let me share some other examples that many people relate to. A mother exclaims loudly to her child, “Don’t spill the milk!” The glass often gets tipped over within seconds,because the child’s mind immediately creates the image of spilling the milk. Also, parents often tell their children, “Don’t forget your coat!” Need I explain what happens next? next time, simply tell your child: Remember your coat.

A golfer may say, “I’m not going into the water. “ And where does the ball land? this same concept applies to other sports as well. For example, during an important baseball game, a teammate says,  “Don’t strike out!” How often does the feared strikeout manifest?

Because of the power of words, we need to be careful what we say. Careless use of negative statements just might enter one of the subconscious gateways with adverse results. Consider the risk of the following statements.

  • That makes me sick.
  • That gives me a pain in my_____.
  • This job is a headache.
  • I’m going to finish this if it kills me.
  • that almost gave me a heart attack.
  • That will be the death of me.
  • No pain, no gain.
  • This is a backbreaking job.
  • That makes me sad inside.
  • That burns me up, it makes my blood boil.
  • He ( she) is driving me crazy.
  • How could I be so stupid?

Have you found your self using any of these negative suggestions? These are the types of suggestions that can enter your subconscious mind, when there is a gateway opened.

An example of open gateways, may be nothing more than the repetition of the statements. or when you are sad, angry, tired, or people of authority saying things to you, whether they mean to harm you or not. The power of words can harm yourself and others.

As a hypnotist, I now understand the importance of semantics when dealing with the subconscious. Affirmations are like hypnotic suggestions, and must be constructed properly.

The power of words through affirmations, done properly can empower you.

And Hypnosis can produce a wonderful Self Empowerment for you, through the power of words for a happier more successful life.


Eliminate Panic Attacks

Hypnosis To Eliminate Your Panic Attacks!!!

Eliminate Panic Attacks…Stop Your Anxiety Feelings…And Stop Your Fears…


Eliminate Panic Attacks and Anxiety once and for all. You Can End Your Fears, and Get You

Your Life Back. Even If You Thought Your Situation Was Hopeless.

If you or someone you know suffers from Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Fears of ANY KIND... you’re going to love this message. Now you can Eliminate Panic Attacks and Anxiety quickly and easily. No matter what kind of fears you have… Everything from fear of public speaking to fear of driving on the highway, fear of crowds, fear of failure, flying, heights, needles, spiders, snakes, cockroaches, bugs of any kind. With

Hypnosis you can begin enjoying life like you did years ago.

People wake up each day and find themselves having a life full of Panic Attacks and Anxiety, and compulsive behaviors. These feelings of anxiety and panic keep people prisoner in their own home. Your friends think you’re nuts. Your boss has no patience for your suffering. Your mind gets stuck in a “loop” of fear… Your life becomes miserable having to face these panic feelings over and over again, day after day.

Years ago I was the one paralyzed by fear. I thought I was going out of my mind. My breathing was out of control. My chest was painful. I thought I was going to die. I almost went to the hospital.

They say a panic attack will not kill you. Tell that to someone driving a car, when whatever it is triggers the full blown panic attack.

If you have panic attacks,  you know what I’m talking about.  A panic attack will not kill you as a rule. I know it feels that way. But there is hope. Hypnosis  

John Doe: Everything seemed to be closing in around me. I couldn’t drive a car for fear. I could not get into an elevator for the fear. I couldn’t go to parties or the shopping mall for fear. Hypnosis has been a blessing for me.

Jane Doe: Trust me… when you have to stop driving because you have so much anxiety and irrational fear… it’s embarrassing. I admit, I’ve even had to pull off the road and check myself into a hospital… all because of these overwhelming feelings of dread and fear. Guess what… no one understood. The doctors checked me out and told me there was nothing wrong with me. They told me to “relax”… I thought to myself… “yeah, right. “Take a chill pill”. I’m so happy I found Hypnosis. I have not had a panic attack since.

 Billy Bob: Not to long ago I was paralyzed by fear. I thought I was going out of my mind. My breathing was out of control. My chest was painful. I thought I was going to die. Everything seemed to be closing in around me. I couldn’t drive a car for fear. I could not get into an elevator for fear. I could go to parties or the shopping mall for fear. It was awful.The thought of taking medication was not on the list , my last resort was Hypnosis. It should have been my first.

Here are a few symptoms of Fears, Anxiety and Panic Attack:

You have chest pains.  *   Shortness of breath.  *  Your heart races    *   You may even be afraid to drive

You worry over the simplest things.  *   You “obsess” over the dumbest things.  *   Your throat is tight.

You have this compulsive thing you do and you can’t stop.  * You worry and worry    

You are gripped by an over whelming fear   *    You THINK your DYING

Hypnosis requires only a willingness to change.  And a qualified Hypnotist and you can ELIMINATE PANIC ATTACKS.

Reduce that Stress

Reduce that Stress “Life’s is to short.”Adult business man with stress  I know you’ve heard that before,Reduce that Stress or else.

Negativity is contagious, but so is Happiness. Which feels better to you? Start today and feel better tomorrow.   I remember my father saying “Smile and soon it will all be better.” He was right, when you smile even when you force the smile, soon it really does become your reality.

And you really don’t need a reason to be happy, I mean what are you waiting for, as they say create your own reality. Of course I’m not saying you should put your head in the sand and walk around with a silly grin on your face all day. Just try smiling, and soon you will create an inner peace that at the very least helps someone else with their day.

This leads me to some great tips on How to Reducing That Stress. And learning to make a habit out of being happy.

1. If its money that you feel makes you happy, avoid situations that make you feel deprived- seek out situations where things are in your favor.

2.You may want to look at those negative thoughts a little closer. As they say, “step outside the box.” Then try a happier positive thought.

3.Gratitude: Research shows that daily affirmations of gratitude raises you’re level of happiness. Make your lists today of what you are grateful for, and say it daily.

4.Progress makes people feel better. Design your day so you have a feeling of progress. My father always liked to mow his grass so he could have instant gratification.

5. Studies show couples are happier and live longer than single people. Make friends and be a friend. Try to hangout with happy people. Get involved in helping out in your community.                                   

6.Try sending love or positive thoughts to people. Find something nice to say to others, not only will they fill better, you will too. Many people are  deprived of simple compliments. Make a heart happy today.

Which leads me to another topic Hypnotherapy and how it can help Reduce and oreliminate bad stress and it’s effects upon your “Mind, Body and Spirit. All the above suggestions and more can be reinforced with the use of Hypnotherapy. 

Getting Over A Relationship

Getting OverA RelationshipTwo half of heart with an inscription "My love"


Hypnosis can help you with Getting over a Relationship, it will help you to  come to terms with the end of the particular relationship that never seems to leave your mind.

And will enable you to move on emotionally… and feel fresh and open to life again! When a relationship ends, even when you know it had to, or it was your idea, it can be difficult to manage your emotions for a while. The old cliche that ‘Time is the Great Healer’ is absolutely true, but sometimes it can take much longer than you think it should. So we can give time a helping hand in putting that relationship where it needs to be,  in the past as far as your emotions are concerned.  This doesn’t mean that you will forget about what was good about that relationship if you don’t want to – let’s face it – just about all relationships have happy elements to them, at least in the beginning.

After a session, you’ll notice that the relationship will start to take up less time and space in your mind and you will expend less emotional energy thinking about it. The past is the past. And that is the kind of thinking you’ll be able to develop about that relationship.

And you’ll find you can actually practice getting that more detached feeling on a daily basis.  I’d just like to mention another important aspect. Often people think that the latest relationship was somehow ‘meant to be’ or that it was ‘the one’, which can lead to feelings that you may never have another relationship as good or intense in the future. This is an illusion, that has a lot of false meaning. With Hypnosis and YOUR DESIRE to change can be achieved.

There are literally millions of potential partners out there, hundreds of thousands of which would meet your needs. It’s the emotion you are feeling at the moment that leads to that sort of thought, but it is not true, so please don’t be fooled by the feeling that there’s only one person for you… it’s so easy to get that idea.

There will be opportunities for you in the future, whether you believe me or not.

Getting over a relationship, a lost love can will be easily achieved through the use of Hypnosis.

Monster Eliminator

Something all parents should have … If it walks or talks or crawls on it’s belly like a reptile, Monster Eliminator (C) is your answer to a good nights sleep for you and your children.

Monster Eliminator is your answer to those pesty litte creatures that lurk under your bed or in your closet. Just spray a a small amount on a cloth and place under the bed or in the closet and chant this little verse:

“Monster, Monster where you do lie … smell this elixir and you will fly.
And if you crawl away you will go, and remember this not too slow.
And away you’ll go for all time and tell the others of your kind”

Parental Disclaimer:  Contents – Blessed Holy Water and Oil Fragrance. Please call Avalon Hypnosis today to get yours!