Hypnosis is a powerful tool to Athletes of all levels for Performance. It helps them to:
- Accelerate Athletic Performance
- Focus On Success

- Enhance Sports Confidence
- Release Mental Blocks, Fears and Limiting Beliefs
There are two ways in which imagery in hypnosis works to Improve Athletic Performance:
To Improve Athletic Performance, first, through training the mind and muscles to perform as you wish. The subconscious mind is like a giant computer that directs all bodily behavior and automatically accepts any image it receives as real and true. It lacks the ability to distinguish between fact and fiction. Once it “sees” the image of perfect Athletic performance it immediately sends electrical and chemical messages throughout the body, directing it to comply with what it perceives as real and true. Studies have shown actual duplication of muscle and nerve activity during imagery and even new neural growth as a result of imaging. This reinforces the learning and improves performance automatically. It is not all in your mind … actual physical changes occur as a result of Hypnosis and imagery.
Second, is the ability to be both relaxed and productive simultaneously. Numerous studies of top athletes recognize that their ability to perform with passion and emotion, while in a relaxed state, has a direct impact on their ability to perform so remarkably. Athletic Performance is inhibited by stress and Hypnosis teaches you to remove the blocks that inhibit peak Performance.
Mental Rehearsal, Regular visualization creates and reinforces the confidence necessary for top performance. The visualized image convinces the subconscious that this achievement is possible. The automatic nervous system performs in exactly the same manner as followed during a physical rehearsal. Neuromuscular coordination improves. “What your mind can conceive, you can achieve.”
How Hypnosis Works
Whether you desire to improve your personal Athletic Performance or are training for the Olympics, Hypnosis is a powerful tool for your success. Hypnosis can release any mental blocks, fears or limiting beliefs you may have that are keeping you from athletic excellence. Hypnosis also builds your personal self-confidence in yourself and your abilities, assisting you to focus on a successful outcome, instead of fearing a poor performance.
One of many effective tools used in Hypnosis to Improve Athletic Performance is called anchoring. A memory or image of Athletic excellence is recalled or imagined. When the client mentally reaches the peak of that performance excellence, the associated emotion is anchored or reinforced, producing what is commonly known as muscle memory. That memory or positive feeling is then automatically released during your peak performance times.
Hypnosis also helps you mentally focus on the performance itself, eliminating outside distractions and self-sabotaging thoughts so you are calm and capable of channeling all your energies into your physical activity.
Mental imagery is also incorporated into hypnosis for athletic performance. The fact of the matter is your unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between a real or imagined experience. Some people are excellent at visualizing, while others are naturally kinesthetic or “feel” things. How would it feel to cross the finish line in your best time ever, or win the gold? What would you be feeling, thinking, seeing or hearing? Regardless of how you imagine a successful future event, your imagined success programs you in a direction for positive results.
According to the AOA (American Optometric Association), researchers have discovered that people use the same areas of the brain whether they actually perform or merely visualize an action in their mind. Studies conducted in 1998 by J. Stanos, a professor at Harvard University, have proven a definite link between visualization and performance. A group was taught how to use visualization and a placebo group was taught to just think about an unrelated activity. Those who used visualization before performing their task performed nearly perfectly, while the placebo group was only successful 55% of the time.
The Power of Your Mind!
Competition can be intimidating and fear of humiliation often results in diminished skills. To overcome this, you can use hypnosis at any time during competition. Once you have learned sports hypnosis techniques you can utilize self hypnosis in seconds.
Most athletes have experienced the exhilarating feeling of being “in the zone” (groove, flow, etc.). When you use hypnosis you can be in the zone on command. Your opponents will never know you are using hypnosis in competition!
Self-hypnosis is best learned under the guidance of a Certified Hypnotist who understands your blocks as well as your goals for the future. Learning self-hypnosis while in a state of hypnosis offers the added benefit of receiving a powerful post-hypnotic suggestion or “trigger” that instantly facilitates the hypnotic state on command in your waking state, when you need it.
Hypnosis can’t guarantee you first place or the Olympic Gold, but it can dramatically Improve your Athletic Performance and your self-confidence. Begin today!